The Women’s March in Washington, D.C. Part 2
It took a REALLY long time to make it to Washington, D.C. I mean every single Metro stop was jam packed with people trying to get on the trains. It was very warm, I felt like I over dressed, and I’m thinking that I’m so glad that I packed a travel sized deodorant!
We got off at one station and wow! There was no way that I could get through. Then I spotted someone with a Press Pass and asked him where C St. was and he said he had to go to that area as well. So we both went back to the trains, and got back on and got off at Federal Station SW Station. Getting out of there took a long time too. But once we broke free into the cooler air, it felt not only better, but the excitement, the sense of knowing that you were meant to be here was so strong! Immediately I started to take photos and so did he.
I found a great place to get a better view of the masses of men, women, and children, all carrying these fabulous and creative signs. I mean, they were really awesome, some were truly works of art. People came by in using crutches, wheelchairs, canes, families had their babies and children in strollers, slings, carrying them on their shoulders. Teens, tweens and elementary school kids came by all with their signs, chanting, singing, I mean it was amazing. The masses kept coming and coming and coming. And this was just to get into the rally to hear people speak.
Of course there was a group of extreme Christians, blaring Bible quotes into a speakerphone across the street. They kept turning up the volume. Everyone gets to have a voice 🙂
This ambulance had to get by, and once everyone got back together behind it I yelled out something about ambulance chasers. People thought that was really funny 😉
The man on the far right is Kyle Edward Cranston, of WUSB 90.1 FM of Stony Brook, Long Island, NY. Kyle helped me find my way around the Metro after realizing the first stop was so bad, we both couldn’t get through. He’s a Reporter, Commentary and Producer for A Woman’s Perspective on Politics with Zabby!! Thanks for your help and great conversation Kyle!
I loved this sign that simply said…Ugh!
This young woman next to me was with her mom who was live Tweeting I think, was shouting out anti-Trump and positive women chants for the crowds. It was really great!
As you can see, my hair completed frizzed out so much, it lost it’s curl and became very fluffy LOL! Photo by Kyle Edward Cranston.
I personally love the Catholics For Choice group….
This was great! A pink pussy cat shaped like a traditional Chinese Dragon used to celebrate New Year’s.
I got my picture taken a few times too!
This woman stopped right in front of me so that I could take her picture, I didn’t have to ask her to do anything.
A group of women were from NY holding up beautiful handpainted Statue of Liberty torches.
This was Part 2, Part 3 is coming up with new images, stay tuned! Did you see Part 1 yet?
Beautiful work, thank you for taking part and sharing these images!
You’re welcome and thank you! It was such an amazing experience and I was so happy to be there!