Putting A Lot Of Love In Our Hearts
On Sunday, January 15th, 2017, The Dorothea Dix Unitarian Universalist Community raised the rainbow flag..again. Why, you may be asking, is this so significant? Because a few weeks back, someone had stolen the one that was waving underneath the American flag that stands outside their building right here in on Park St. in Bordentown, NJ. By doing so, that person or individuals, committed an act of hate. This is something that is not new to the LGBTQ community, but I am proud to say that many of my friends here in Bordentown took a stand, donated money to purchase another rainbow flag, and because of this, we showed whoever did this that we do not hate, but love each other.
Welcoming remarks were said by, Warren Spengler, President. AFter Mr. Spengler spoke, everyone was encouraged to sing “Put A Little Love in Your Heart” sung by the Tunuunitarians. Speakers were Rabbi Julie Pfau, Rev. Gene Quavel, DDUUC Spirit Circle, Rev. William Stell, and Rev. Flo Gelo. Nami Lane sang”Imagine” by John Lennon.
It was a packed house with standing room only, filled with prayers, good will and children were part of the blessing of the new rainbow flag. As we all went outside to witness the flag being raised up, everyone was ask to touch the flag for kindness and good spirit. Blessing of the flag….
Below is a quick shot of my friends with Rabbi Julie Pfau.
It was such a beautiful day, the sun was out, the weather was perfect. We went back inside for refreshments and to catch up with everyone. Thank you to all who came to make this such a special event!