PortraitOfDaughter_DeirdreRyan Edirial and Commercial Phoygraphy

Portraits At Dusk

The other day I had my nine year old daughter help me test some new lights in our backyard. It was dusk and the temperature was dropping. I had her sit down in front of 2 of my speedlights, each with a softbox and I wirelessly triggered them. She wasn’t feeling that well, but at the same time wanted to have a little fun.

There were a couple of little birds playing the in pine tree above us and she was watching them.

PortraitOfDaughter_DeirdreRyanEditorialandCommercialPhotography_2 OutdoorPortrait_DeirdreRyanCommercialandEditoralPhotography_1

After this was taken she was ready to go back inside. I’m really happy with how this one turned out,  and I love the others too for different reasons. When she’s feeling better I’ll take her out again.

Photographers are always testing new ways of photographing, before we go out and use them with our clients, we do this first. And if we have children and significant others, they are most often our test models. Aren’t they lucky? 😉



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