3-Day Horse Jumping Clinic With Bernie Traurig at Hay Fever Farm

I had the pleasure of being an Auditor for Bernies clinic this past month at Hay Fever Farm in Robbinsville, NJ. It’s been decades since I’ve attended a clinic, but I was on a horse. There were a few sessions per day and they were full of helpful tips, techniques for the riders and auditors. My friend Maile was there with her husband, David and she was riding her horse, Luna. I didn’t take pictures on the first day, so I took a few on day two and three. The pictures I took are just for fun, part of how I memorize techniques and the learning process for me.

Being that this is December in NJ, the clinic was held in the indoor arena with different pole and jumping exercises. Learning to train the eye, counting the strides and understanding more of our chosen sport. There were a continental breakfast and lunch served every day, and best of all, the people I met were wonderful, full of conversation and good stories to share. I also shot some video and took notes so that I can try some of these later. My trainer just got a bunch of poles to work with, can’t wait!

At one point, Bernie and Ernie, (like Sesame Street), another professional rider, got on 2 horses that needed a little more extra work, it was pretty exciting to see how these horses did with different riders.









A special thank you to everyone who attended, as well as thanks to Elisa and Neal Shapiro, for hosting this event. And thanks to Bernie for putting together this clinic.

A Girl and Her Horse-Maile and Luna

If you haven’t guessed by now, my other passion is horses and riding. Years ago I used to show horses, jump them etc. I’m still an equestrian, and I ride and working on riding more and more each week as my schedule allows it. I met Maile at a farm we both rode at a while ago, since then she and her two horses have moved to Sporty Acres Farm, but we’ve kept in touch and remain friends.

She has this amazing thoroughbred horse named, Luna who is an amazing jumper and mover, loves to go fast. Maile is an amazing rider and watching her ride this horse, you can see the connection between them both.

I had this idea for a photo shoot and I wanted to originally shoot Maile and her husband David as he has a horse named Sailor. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to make it. My idea is to showcase a horse and rider, for personal branding. Many equestrians have their own websites, are on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. Riding is an expensive sport, so getting sponsorships really helps us.

To better understand more about the costs:
How Much Does It Cost To Enter A Hunter Jumper Show?
What Is Equestrian Show Jumping?
What Does It Take To Become and Olympic Equestrian?

Being an equestrian at a professional level is more expensive than sailing or tennis:

By having professional pictures to showcase at our trailers and stalls during shows, and online shows the commitment we’re making. Basically marketing ourselves to small and large brands to help us to afford what we do. And this includes our training, upkeep of our beloved animals, outfits, helmets, saddles, bridles, etc. The list is enormous, and why do we do this?

Because we love it.

equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding

The inside of the stables is pretty dark, so while I tried a few shots without my flash, I ended up having to use it. equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal brandingequestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal brandingequestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding

Love the tail flip! The day was gorgeous, and the sun was perfect. equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding

After Maile’s ride, I wanted to get some shots because I could tell that both were pleased with their ride. I suggested to Maile to take off her helmet and give Luna some kisses and hugs. equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding

No one was using the indoor arena, so Maile helped me with the large muslin background that I brought. The idea to have Luna step on it, I wasn’t too sure of, so we put it up, I set up one light. Thinking that I was going to Photoshop/extend the background to cover up the windows, but as I was editing the pictures, I decided to leave it alone.

With the lighting set up, I didn’t want it to be too punchy or bright, and the colour processing I did in Capture Pro One gave me the look I was going for. The pose Maile has in this first one with her composed, and serious face reminded me of the old paintings when no one smiled but held their horses in a regal manner. equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal brandingequestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal brandingequestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding

Thank you Maile for letting me come and hang out with you and Luna! We need to get together again soon!equestrian,personal branding,portraits,english riding,horse groming,tack up horse,horseback riding,horse portraits,horse jumping,flea-bitten grey horse,thoroughbred horse,New Jersey,Photo by Deirdre Ryan Photography,www.deirdreryanphotography.com,love,horse photographer,horse photography,equestrian photographer,equestrian photography,equestrian personal branding

If you’re interested in having me come out to your stables to photograph you and your horse(s), please contact me.

Day 3-The Standardbred National Horse Show at The Horse Park of NJ

If you didn’t see my post on Day two click here to see it.

Day 3 was on a Sunday and I got there later than I wanted to. This time, I brought my husband and our daughter, it was her very first time at a horse show. It was super hot and it did rain a little. But we sat in the covered seating area and we had a packed lunch. My friend showed earlier in the jumping and dressage, and I wished that we could’ve seen her. Oh well, there will be plenty of other times. But still I wanted our daughter to see these events. This is a breed show to show the many ways this horse can perform.

Brielle hurt her back jumping with Baby, but had one last class on Kora in a flat class. She did really well and placed 2nd. All in all, she placed with two seconds and two fourths for the weekend, not bad considering that Kora is a horse that has only been under a saddle for just two months! And I got the word that Kora has been adopted!

They had a HUGE flat class of 25 riders, that benefited the Race for To Cure MS, and one of the riders that was sweeping the entire weekend has MS. She’s wearing the long sleeved blue shirt, riding Xrossing The Delaware. I wanted to meet her badly!

I love Fruit Punch Gatorade on ice and I made a mixed green salad with feta cheese, tomatoes, chick peas, plain macaroni noodles, drizzled with olive oil, lemon juice and Penzeys Ozark seasonings. We also had fresh cherries for dessert. And yes, our daughter loves this salad too.


I like this one, an English and Western rider….

Because of the heat and rain, the judge was in the area where we were seated.


The red ribbon means to stay away because that horse could kick. Kora is not experienced in a show ring, and the day before, other riders were getting too close to her. I’ve ridden an Arabian named Annie who had to wear one, she would literally stop, back up to kick another horse in a show ring or during training. Did anyone pay attention to that ribbon? Nope! Did Annie do her thing without warning? Yup!

A very exhausted but happy Brielle!


Because Brielle was hurting, I helped with cleaning out the stalls, holding on to Baby while her other helper cleaned the other stall, and made sure that she was ok. She went one to place at Gladstone the very next day!

If you’re all wondering if I’m going to show soon, yes I am! Stay tuned!

Day 2-The Standardbred National Horse Show at The Horse Park Of NJ

If you’ve been following me online, it’s not a secret that riding horses is a love for me that goes back to when I was a little girl. I didn’t ask for a pony, I wanted a Trakenher. It’s still one of my favorite breeds. I jumped horses in shows, and now I’m back into training since August 1991.

A breed that has gained my attention is the Standardbred . My sister in-law Lillian and her husband, Jim, are very involved in the horse world. I’ve been volunteering when I can at the Standardbred Retirement Foundation in Cream Ridge, NJ.

This weekend, my friend, Brielle, who works there, is showing two horses at the Standardbred National Horse Show here at the Horse Park Of NJ. The park is only about roughly 20 minutes from where I live. I haven’t been here since 1991, so yeah a lot has changed! LOL

She’s been there since Friday, today is the last day and I’m going to head over there soon. Photographing horses in motion like this is “fairly new” for me,I used to photograph team sports for a newspaper. They came out pretty good, I really had a lot of fun, in spite of the intense humidity and oncoming thunderstorm.
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Brielle rode Kora in just one class. Her own horse, Shake Baby Shake, is showing today with Kora.

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That’s Lillian taking pictures from the stands. I joined her there to take the other images.
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After a practice run in the ring, they had opening ceremonies:

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This class is for Standardbreds that are currently up for adoption.

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IMG_4361StandardbredNationsbyDeirdre Ryan Photography www.deirdreryanphotography.com.jpgBelow is Brielle’s horse, Shake Baby Shake:
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IMG_4405StandardbredNationsbyDeirdre Ryan Photography www.deirdreryanphotography.com.jpgAfter this image, I stayed on to watch some more classes, that were mainly Western, with Lillian. It was fun to relax, chat and of course be around horses 🙂
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